Our church is a wonderful place to attend due to the many volunteers that make it possible for things to run smoothly. Below you will see a list of all opportunities to serve - anything highlighted in maroon is a an immediate-need position.
Please note, positions with an asterisk (*) indicate you must be a church member for 6 months to qualify, as well as being willing to participate in a background check.
If you find an area you’d like to serve, fill out the following form and submit it - one of our staff members will be in touch shortly.
Immediate Needs
SOUND BOOTH VOLUNTEERS - Want to be a part of our amazing Tech Team? Come join the Sound Booth Volunteers! Contact Loren Minnick (Worship Pastor).
GREETERS NEEDED Church members, we are in need of greeters for Sunday morning services at 8:30 & 11am. If you would like to serve in this ministry, please see Jayne Marshall or call the church office.
PAID NURSERY WORKER NEEDED We are in need of a paid nursery worker for both Sunday services, Sunday night Grow Groups, Wednesday nights and some scheduled special events. Please call the church office for more details if you are interested in this position.
more opportunities to serve
Welcome Team (Greeters)
Exceptional Kids Ministry**
Parking Lot Crew
M.O.S.S. (Security)**
Sunday School Teacher**
Worship Band
Sound Board
Budget Committee**
Trash/Site Maintenance
Women’s Ministry team
Men’s Ministry team
Student Ministry assistant
Bus Driver**
Baker Campus
cview Campus
Sunday school teachers**
Worship Band
M.O.S.S. (Security)**